
What Is Home?

Home is where the heart is. Home is family. Home is laughter. Home is love. To each of us, home has its very own definition.

Waterside cottage. City penthouse. Small ranch. Modern farmhouse. Cozy. Elegant. Rustic. Chic. …  Wherever you are headed. The starting place is Stone.

Stone Properties believes that home is more than a place. It’s a feeling. An energy. Each of us knows in our heart when we have found home. And until that moment happens for you, we look, we tour, and we explore. And one day, we find it. Your magic place.

Not Searching, But Selling?

For clients who are selling, we make the magic happen for every buyer who encounters your listing or crosses your threshold. Sure, we point out the fabulous facts, but first we make them fall in love. For it is only then, that they will buy.

Once a prospective buyer falls in love, we clear the way for a smooth journey to the closing table. It takes experience and knowledge, but more important, it takes finesse, mental agility, psychology, and most of all, a level head.

Why Stone Properties?

First and foremost, we care. Visit our 90+ 5-Star Reviews and you will see words like:

Many real estate firms measure success in units listed, properties closed, and annual net profit. At Stone Properties, we measure success in smiling faces, dreams come true, and happily ever afters.

My Testimonials